The Faith Centre Kids

The Faith Centre Kids

Monday, December 21, 2009


Hello. We are in Kenya and it is so beautiful. The children are all doing very well. We have been doing projects and having them color and they have nearly filled the walls of their meeting room
with pictures. We also made a tree out of paper and it has been fun. Tomorrow we will have Christmas with them. We are all looking forward to that.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Wow!! You have no clue how excited I am that The Lord has opened a way for me to go to Kenya with Timothy and help provide Christmas there. We will return Christmas Day. Please pray for me to get everything in order before I leave. Next week will be really busy because I am playing the keyboard for somebody 2 times next week. God is the God of Surprises. I guess this is my Christmas Present from Jesus. Oh, if I could only give HIM such a wonderful gift. I guess my gift to Jesus is myself and the Love I am going to give each child in Kenya and my own when I return back. Pray my grandson will be O.K. while I am gone and that all my children will be watched over in all their travels, work, home life and not miss us too badly. Jackson is my biggest concern because he has exams all the first week, but he is growning up so quickly. I know that if Jesus has made a way, HE will also protect and provide everything that is needed!!
Love to All and Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Have you ever experienced warfare and joy at the same time? We have lately. See there were 4 boys in our centre that started being really bad. Stealing their own food and selling it, lying, slicing uniforms, throwing sand in the flour..........I cried over these boys behavior. These 4 were the boys we had known the longest and considered sons. The children's officer came and placed the boys in jail over night, looked for their families and told them not to return to the centre. My heart has wept for them and that they would turn from their wicked ways and just allow the love of Jesus to heal them. However, the centre is now running smoother and the chaos has ceased. One of the boys name was Joseph, and you see his picture below. Pray for him. God does have a plan and purpose for his life and I am hoping this will turn him around and only God knows............may be opening a new door of ministry of ministring to the street boys and do it differently that the orphans. God is always great and greatly to be praised!!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Live As Though Tomorrow Were Your Last

Remember the song....School's Out for Summer.... I guess that dates me. LOL, but school is no longer out. Our youngest boy is starting 9th grade and the older started his 4th year of college.
I have heard it said, the older you get the faster life goes by and that seems to be coming to pass. Time just seems to sail. I rarely listen to secular music, but today I heard a country song about living your life as though this were your last day. Makes you think.............If you knew tomorrow was your last day on the earth and the next day the tapestry of your life would be complete, would you do anything differently tomorrow that you would normally do? Would you want to tell one more person about Jesus, or eat a bananna split. What would you do tomorrow if you knew the next day you would stand before Almighty God giving an account of your life. Are you ready to do that? But what if we all lived as though tomorrow was the last? Meet new people, encourage them and leave a lasting smile. You know, some people we meet, we will be the only example of Christ they ever see. Make a lasting impression that Jesus would be honored to place his name on. Let the LOVE of HIM and HIS compassion be seen. Don't be silent. Now is not the time to be silent. Make your voice heard and sometimes you don't even have to say a word.
In Horton Hears A Who..........I love the statement that says "A Voice Is A Voice No Matter How Small.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Expect The Unexpected

Look for the sweet kisses from The Lord today. Look for the sweet kiss of nature and take time to smell the flowers, gaze at their beauty and watch the butterfly. God does things HIS way in HIS timing and through whom HE wants to. It does not always look like what we think it should but if we can buy gifts for our children and think they are awesome, how much better is GOD's gifts. Have a blessed and delightful day.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Who's Your Daddy

This is a subject I have been pondering on lately. Some of us have been blessed to have an incredible earthly Father. For others, this has not been the case either by him being absent in the home or there, but not active in the lives of his children. This leaves scars and a place for the enemy to attack. Either way though we do have a heavenly Father that never leaves us nor forsakes us. He is always there. No, He doesn't have skin on, but if you lay in HIS presence, it certainly can feel that way. Take time to lay down, arms stretched wide and be still. Place some soothing music on and just meditate on HIM. Tell HIM you love HIM. See what happens. Feel HIM?? Sense HIS presence. Then take that with you all during your day and know that you are standing in HIS presence and under HIS wing. It is awesome to have a DADDY who is with you all the time. That loves you so much that HIS SON died for our sins and we can live with HIM in eternity if we will just accept HIS love on this earth. Take time to let HIM kiss on you each day and life will be better. Have a day filled with lots of DADDY kisses!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


It's a beautiful day

Easter Sunday Eve, Timothy went back to Kitale, Kenya. April 30th, he returned to the states. He is so busy while he is there it would be hard to tell you all he did. But the best thing is we got our children moved. We moved 17 from the other facility and have brought in some new children, many of which are street kids. JOSEPH has been on the streets as long as we have been going to Kitale in 2006. He is a mature boy in stature and just wants to go to school. So, this morning We am excited to say that they are taking him to school. Please keep him and the other boys in your prayers as they adapt to their new lifestyle. Most street kids sniff glue and have no rules except to exist however they can. At the moment we have 37 children staying at our new compound and about 8 more in boarding school. Have a fantastically wonderful with lots, and lots of PaPa Kisses kind of day!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

He's Back

Timothy arrived home on Monday March 16th around 10 p.m. He flew into Memphis and our son, Joel met him at the airport. It was a good trip and a lot was accomplished, yet there remains much more to do. We paid a lot of tuition for the children, bought more uniforms and sandles for all them. Most of the tuition for the smaller children are paid in full for the remainder of the year. We still have some to pay on the older ones. Nancy, aka Mercy, is Everlyne's daughter and after Everlyne's death, Nancy continued on running The Faith Centre. However, we feel we have come to the place that we need to move the children to another facility. So they searched and found a place that seems perfect. It will take $200 a month, but it is layed out good and has better toilet and shower facilities. The owner is building a kitchen and having water run to the house then we will proceed with moving the children there. We have a widow and another Mom that is going to run the home. One of the ladies has even been delivered of drugs and healed of HIV. Thank you for your prayers. We appreciate you greatly.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What a beautiful day

What a beautiful day. We woke up with the shimmering and glistening of white snow dancing on the ground. It is absolutely gorgous. Last night I stayed up late because Joel was traveling on a chartered bus with his baseball team from Alexandria, LA to Memphis. Memphis had reported it had 5 inches on snow and still falling. He said there were cars in the ditch as they were traveling home. They did arrive safely, glory be to God, around 3:30 a.m. So, needless to say, I saw the beginning of our snow falling. It was amazing how quickly it came and the force of the wind swirling it off the roof top. I spoke with Timothy moments ago and he said it is the beginnings of summer there. He had preached in a church this morning he had not been in before and had spent most of the day with our King's Kids at The Faith Centre. From now on, I will not be using the term orphanage. I don't like it and I will be calling The Faith Centre, our children's home. Well, whether you have snow, summer or neither, may your day be filled with lots of joy and blessings from our faithful and loving Lord.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

On The Way

As I write this Timothy is somewhere between Amsterdam and Nairobi, Kenya. He was really looking forward to this trip. He had not been there since October, when our precious Mum Everlyne crossed into eternity. Her death came as a surprise to all of us. She had such a huge heart for these children and she is missed. Timothy has some focus points and the main one is to finish paying for the children's tuition for this semester. There will be many things accomplished each day, but when you arise in the morning, you are never sure what The Lord will have you doing or meeting. Kitale, Kenya is beautiful weather all the time, except in the rainy season. The temps normally stay around 75 during the day and 55 at night. It is on the equator, but it has a high altitude, that is why it stays so nice. Please keep Timothy and us that had to stay behind in your prayers. Mega Blessings!!